SURVEY 01: How do you rate the pollution of
the natural habitats of Malpais,
[active] Playa Canoa,
and Rondeklip?
SURVEY 02: How do you
think the government ought to protect natural habitats
[active] of
SURVEY 03: If not the
government, who ought to be in charge of
[active] pollution
SURVEY 04: Waste
management: how do you think Curaçao's government ought
[active] to deal
with garbage?
SURVEY 05: How do citizens
or organizations of Curaçao need to be punished
[active] for illegal
dumping of home, toxic, chemical, or industrial waste?
SURVEY 06: Which companies
in Curaçao do little or no effort to prevent
[pending] their products from
polluting our environment?
SURVEY 07: Which is more
[active] Clean air, land and
marine environment or a full stomache?
SURVEY 08: What or who
will suffer the most from a polluted environment?
SURVEY 09: What topics
about pollution awareness do you want to know
[active] more
SURVEY 10: How do you
think Curaçao ought to finance keeping our
environment clean?
SURVEY 11: Which political party in Curacao has
contributed the least to
[active] protection of
natural habitats of Curacao's unique flora and fauna?
SURVEY 12: How do you get
rid of your home garbage that contains plant material,
[active] food
(vegetable, bread and fruit) remains, and paper?